Planning Explorer

Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - 16O/1191

Site AddressLand at Woolton Road Liverpool L18 9UZ 


  • Application Number16O/1191
  • Site AddressLand at Woolton Road Liverpool L18 9UZ
  • Property Address

Reasons 1

The proposal represents an inappropriate and unjustified form of development within designated Green Wedge which will cause an intrusive and urbanising impact on the landscape, affecting the predominantly open character of the Green Wedge and will physically and visually reduce the Calderstones - Woolton Green Wedge between existing built up areas. As such the proposal is contrary to saved policy OE3 of the Liverpool Unitary Development Plan and paragraphs 7, 8, 17, and 152 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Reasons 2

The proposal represents an inappropriate and unjustified form of development within designated Green Space which cannot be accommodated without material harm to its recreational function and visual amenity value. As such the proposal is contrary to saved policies OE11 and OE12 of the Liverpool Unitary Development Plan and paragraphs 7, 8, 17, and 152 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Reasons 5

The proposal involves development that cannot be reconciled with in that the proposed works to create the 3no. accesses would result in an unacceptable loss of category A and B protected trees and associated detriment to visual amenity contrary to saved policy HD22 of the Liverpool Unitary Development Plan and paragraphs 109 and 118 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Reasons 4

The application contains insufficient information to demonstrate that the site ecology would not be adversely impact upon by the proposed development. As such the application fails to demonstrate that the proposal complies with saved policies OE3, OE5, OE6 and OE7 or that the requirements of paragraph 118 of the National Planning Policy Framework have been met. Furthermore, without clear evidencing and despite the applicant's proposed mitigation strategies, the impacts of the development on the site's ecological quality, including trees, would be unacceptably impacted upon, contrary to saved policies OE3, OE5, OE6, OE7 and HD22 of the Liverpool Unitary Development Plan and paragraphs 17, 61, 109, 118, 152, and 203 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Reasons 3

The proposal would adversely affect the setting of the Grade II* listed Allerton Priory and Grade II listed Priory Lodge and would fail to preserve the setting and important views of the buildings contrary to saved policy HD5 of the Liverpool Unitary Development Plan and paragraphs 128 and 132 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - 16O/1191