Planning Explorer

Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - 15F/1065

Site AddressLand adjacent Winhill Liverpool L25 6JR 


  • Application Number15F/1065
  • Site AddressLand adjacent Winhill Liverpool L25 6JR
  • Property Address1 Winhill, Liverpool, L25 6JR, Winhill Lodge, Winhill, Liverpool

Reasons 2

The proposed new vehicular access, by virtue of its location in close proximity to the junction of Woolton Park and Winhill would be detrimental to highway safety contrary to Saved Policies H4 and H5 of the Liverpool Unitary Development Plan.

Reasons 1

The proposed dwellinghouse, by virtue of its size, scale, massing and prioximity to the boundary with Woolton Park, and in an elevated and exposed location, would result in an overdominant and overbearing structure in the streetscene which is characterised by a streetscape dominated by well established tree cover. The proposal is therefore contrary to Saved Policies H4, H5 and HD18 in the Liverpool Unitary Development Plan 2002 and para 64 of the NPPF.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - 15F/1065