Planning Explorer

Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - 11A/1147

Site AddressLiverpool One Shopping Centre Liverpool L1 3DS 


  • Application Number11A/1147
  • Site AddressLiverpool One Shopping Centre Liverpool L1 3DS
  • Property Address2 Paradise Street, Liverpool, L1 8JF

Reasons 1

The proposed 29 no. six sheet advertisement hoardings at 17 locations, including 7 no. wall mounted hoardings, 20 no. freestanding hoardings and 2 no. pillar mounted hoardings located throughout the Liverpool One retail area would, by virtue and their number, design and location, constitute excessive and over-dominant features within the streetscene to the detriment of the existing high quality design of the area, visual amenity and pedestrian movement contrary to policies HD25, HD19 and Gen 9 of the Liverpool Unitary Development Plan and Planning Policy Statement 6 - Planning for Town Centres.

Reasons 4

The free standing signs are located within busy movement corridors and would present both physical and visual barriers, particularly those proposed in location numbers 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14 and 15. The size and solid mass of the free standing units would impede pedestrian movement and access and as such would be contrary to policy HD19 - Access for All, of the Liverpool Unitary Development Plan, which states that the City Council will ensure that consideration is given to the need to ensure ease of access and movement for disabled people between and within public areas by the careful provision, siting and design of street furniture.

Reasons 3

The application area comprises of retail units for which there exists a high volume of visual and marketing information, consisting of shop window displays, fascia signage, and projecting signage. The addition of 29 no. 6 sheet hoardings in prominent locations throughout Liverpool One, including within areas of extremely high footfall, would result in visual clutter and would not therefore comply with policy HD25 - Advertisements, of the Liverpool Unitary Development Plan which states that consent will not be granted for advertisements which by virtue of their size, siting, proliferation, or method of display, including illumination would dominate or otherwise adversely affect the amenity of an area. By introducing visual clutter into the streetscene, the advertisements would also fail to comply with policy Gen 9 ¿ Liverpool City Centre, of the Liverpool Unitary Development Plan which aims to maintain and enhance the City Centre's role and function as a regional centre by improving the general physical environment, in part, by reducing and rationalising street clutter.

Reasons 2

More specifically, the siting of 29 wall mount, pillar mount and free standing adverts would undermine the high quality design, including street layout and material palette of Liverpool One, the physical layout, building design and material palette of which were comprehensively detailed and critically considered to deliver a high quality scheme. Furthermore, the location of the freestanding units would block key sightlines within the area. As such it would not comply with Government Planning Policy Statement 6 - Planning for Town Centres (pt 1.5), where a stated key objective is to promote high quality and inclusive design, improve the quality of the public realm and open spaces, protect and enhance the architectural and historic heritage of centres.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - 11A/1147