Planning Explorer

Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - 16F/1621

Site Address9-11 Fleet Street Liverpool L1 4AR 


  • Application Number16F/1621
  • Site Address9-11 Fleet Street Liverpool L1 4AR
  • Property Address9 Fleet Street, Liverpool, L1 4AR

Reasons 2

The proposed three storey roof extension is considered to harm the significance of this building in its character and fails to comply with the duty set out in NPPF to take account of the 'desirability of sustaining and enhancing the significance of the Duke Street Conservation Area' to the detriment of the overall character and appearance of the building and the street scene, and the character and appearance of the surrounding Duke Street Conservation Area, contrary to Policies HD5 and HD10 of the adopted Liverpool Unitary Development Plan.

Reasons 1

The proposed three storey rooftop extension to this former circa 1902 office building is considered to be both poorly designed in terms of its form, scale, design, detailing and relationship with the host building and will form an oversized and an excessively bulky roof top addition. As such it is considered to detract from the character, setting and significance of the application building, neighbouring listed and historic buildings, and the surrounding Duke Street Conservation Area, contrary to Core Principles & Section 7 of the NPPF, Policies HD5, HD10 and HD18 of the Liverpool UDP and Development Principles 3 & 4 of the Ropewalks - SPD.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - 16F/1621